Well, you are not alone! This is what most people will be experiencing at this time of year (January). However, help is at hand! Just dust yourself off, take a deep breath and keep reading…
The fool-proof step by step process can be summarised like this:
1. Get Clarity & Focused.
2. Get Excited and Emotional.
3. Get Committed to your Goal.
4. Get Momentum and Keep Moving.
5. Celebrate… and return to point 1!
1. First of all you need to get clarity regarding where you are right now in relation to your goal. For example, you want to lose weight and you are currently 17 stone or you want to increase your financial income and your current annual income is £17,000. Once you have done this you will have clarity which will enable you to clearly focus on your goal.
2. Secondly you must get excited and generate some passion and emotion about your goal. It will help to ask yourself “How will I feel when I achieve XYA?” Close your eyes and imagine that it has already happened and really imagine how you feel. Feel it! Get excited about it! Think about it often! Your emotion will act as fuel and keep you moving.
3. Make a commitment to yourself. Make your goal a MUST – not a should! Focus on your commitment and don’t worry about why you have not achieved your goal so far. It doesn’t matter and it won’t help you to move forward. Just make a commitment and move forward. For example, if you were a smoker “From TODAY I am a non-smoker!” Say it! Shout it! Write it! See it! (in your mind) Believe it!
4. Once you start moving keep moving forward. Keep asking yourself “What is my next step?” and then take it. Then “What is my next step?”, etc. etc. Have confidence that if you maintain your momentum you will become like an unstoppable train. Be aware of your little voice that whispers in your ear. Notice it and just smile. Then do what you have to do and keep moving.
5. Always remember to celebrate. Congratulate yourself at every step of the way; and I don’t mean quietly. Shout! Scream! Laugh! Jump! You must be your own best and loudest fan. Take every opportunity to praise yourself… and then return to point 1 and check in again and work through these points. If you follow these steps have confidence that you WILL make progress and you WILL move towards your goal.
If we can help you to get started or to keep you moving in the right direction, click on the envelope below to contact us TODAY and/or to request a FREE consultation.