anthony fleming
A new woman…
As a new woman to the organisation I found Anthony’s training event extremely beneficial and gave me a greater understanding of the journey that the organisation is taking and the steps needed to get there. The session left me highly motivated, focused and with clear direction… Pam Catterall, UK Business Development Manager
“I fell in love with his enthusiasm for life.”
His gentle approach, rehabilitates your mind, body and spirit… now that’s what I call a true friend!
“I can’t believe that I have never heard about these sessions before I met you…”
I still remember your passion and enthusiasm…
“It wasn’t just the business though that thrived…”
You… have a calming and inspiring influence on all those around you.
Personal Life Coach & Events Speaker (member of PSA)
Anthony Fleming’s passion in life is people. Trained by the best in the field of NLP, Wellness and Motivation – well established professionals such as Dr Paul McKenna, Dr Richard Bandler, Jospeph McClendon III and Michael Neil. “I help people to exceed the limits of their perceived limitations!”